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Law to Remove Distress of People and State

24 March 1933

The Reichstag has resolved upon the following law which is promulgated herewith with approval of the Reichsrat after it has been established that all the requirements of the legislation for changing the constitution have been complied with. Section 1 Laws for the Reich can be resolved upon also by the Reich Cabinet besides the procedure provided by the constitution of the Reich. This also applies to the laws pursuant to sections 85 subsection 2 and 87 of the Reich-Constitution. Section 2 The laws for the Reich resolved upon by the Reich Cabinet may deviate from the Reich-Constitution so far as they do not deal with the institution of the Reichstag or the Reichsrat as such. The powers of the Reich-President will remain intact. Section 3 The laws for the Reich resolved upon by the Reich-Cabinet are issued by the Reich-Chancellor and promulgated in the Reichsgesetzblatt. They will become effective, so far as they do not determine otherwise on the day following their promulgation. Section 68 to 77 of the Reich-Constitution are not applicable to the laws resolved upon by the Reich-Cabinet. Section 4 Treaties of the Reich with foreign countries relating to matters of the legislation of the Reich do not. require the approval of the bodies participating in the legislation. The Reich-Cabinet issues the rules necessary for the execution of such treaties. Section 5 This law will become effective on the day of its promulgation. It becomes ineffective on 1 April 1937. Moreover it becomes ineffective if the present Reich-Cabinet should be replaced by another.

Berlin, 24 March 1933

The Reich-President
von Hindenburg

The Reich-Chancellor
Adolf Hitler

The Reich-Minister for the Interior

The Reich-Minister for Foreign Affairs
Freiherr von Neurath

The Reich-Minister for Finances Count
Schwerin von Krosigk

Additional Source Info
Source: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Vol. 4. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1946. 1397-PS.

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