About our Lesson Plans
Lesson plans are created for secondary students and focus on the historical themes of the Holocaust
This lesson will examine individuals who were rescuers during the Holocaust as well as individual decision-making and the factors for choosing to act or not to act during a difficult time in history. By examining decision-making during the Holocaust, students will be able to reflect on decision making in their own lives.
SOLs Covered : USII.1, USII.1, WHII.1, WHII.12, VUS.1, VUS.11
This lesson will allow students to define and explore that resistance took on many different forms during the Holocaust, armed and unarmed, Jewish and non Jewish.
SOLs Covered : USII.1, WHII.1, WHII.12, VUS.1, VUS.11
The Butterfly Project
"The Power of One" is appropriate for students in Grades 7th-9th and 45 minutes long. The goal of this lesson is to help students understand that terrible things can happen when people stand by and do nothing. The positive action of one person can change the outcome for many.
Other Recommended Resources
Charlottesville and Onward: A Discussion Guide
(The Virginia Holocaust Museum)
(The Holocaust Commission of the UJFT)
Why is it Important to Teach the Holocaust?
Guidelines for Teaching the Holocaust
What Grade Level is Appropriate to Start Teaching the Holocaust
Teaching Materials Using Books and Literature