Police Decree on Identification of Jews
September 1941
In agreement with the Reichs-Protector for Bohemia and Moravia the following law based on the regulations regarding the Police decrees of the Ministers of the Reich from 14 November 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 1582) and on the decree regarding the right of establishing of law [Rechtsetzungsrecht] in the protectorate Bohemia and Moravia from 7 June 1939 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 1039) is herewith published:
Article 1
(1) Jews (article 5 of the first decree regarding the law on German citizenship of 14 November 1935 -- Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 1333) who have completed their sixth year of life shall be prohibited to appear in public without wearing a Jewish star.
(2) The Jewish star is a yellow piece of cloth with a black border, in the form of a six pointed star of the size of a hand with the inscription "Jew". It shall be worn visible, sewed on the left side of the chest of the garment.
Article 2
Jews are prohibited to: a. leave the area of the community in which they live without written permission of the local police; b. to wear medals, ribbons and other insignia.
Article 3
Article 1& 2 shall not apply to: a. husband living in a Jewish mixed marriage if children, born from this marriage who are not considered as Jews exist. This also applies if the marriage is dissolved or if the only son was killed in the present war. b. to a Jewish wife in a childless mixed marriage, for the duration of the marriage.
Article 4
(1) He who violates articles 1& 2 willingly or carelessly shall be punished with a fine up to 150 Reichsmark or with imprisonment not to exceed 6 weeks.
(2) Further protective measures on the part of the police as well as rules according to which a more severe punishment is permitted remain unaffected.
Article 5
This decree shall also be valid within the borders of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia with the specifications that the Reichs-Protector in Bohemia and Moravia shall adopt the rules of article 2 a, to the local situation in the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
Article 6
This Police-law shall be valid two weeks after publication. Berlin, 1September 1941.
For the Reich Minister of the Interior.
Additional Information About Source
Source: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Vol. 4. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1947. 2118-PS